Our wedding ended up costing a lot more than we'd initially intended, but we were both really happy with it in the end. We managed to incorporate themes we were both happy with, but mostly nautical items including fishing nets as decorations etc. So it was pink nautical for us. We didn't have a church. Just a celebrant at the reception venue.
The important thing was that the things which were important to us both individually were included as well as the things which mattered to us as a couple. To me, if you start your married life at odds over the simple fact of getting married, you could be in trouble.
My advice would be to just simply tell her you want a little more levity on your big day. How would she feel about having elvis music during the ceremony as she comes down the isle, then while you're signing the register etc? Maybe that would be a fair compromise?
Kind words are the music of the world. F. W. Faber