Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
That is a lie.
Despite Ronald Cherrycoke's bleating, nobody voted to go to war. They, both sides of the aisle, voted to give the president the power to protect and defend the United States with military force if necessary.
You can't fault them for not knowing Bush was working to an agenda scripted before he took office. Or that he was cherry picking favorable intelligence and suppressing damning evidence, to carry out that agenda. Even Powell was taken in.
The thought of comparing Clinton's pussy chasing to Bush's Middle East holocaust is just so contemptible and disgusting, it makes me think Ronald Cherrycoke is a Urbane Guerrilla alias. 
Despite Ronald Cherrycoke's bleating, nobody voted to go to war. They, both sides of the aisle, voted to give the president the power to protect and defend the United States with military force if necessary.
Yep...because Iraq was about to invade America? Spin it anyway you want but it authorized Bush to invade Iraq.
Measure Title:
A joint resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq.
The thought of comparing Clinton's pussy chasing to Bush's Middle East holocaust is just so contemptible and disgusting, it makes me think Ronald Cherrycoke is a Urbane Guerrilla alias.
Holocaust ?...I thought that happened before when Saddam murdered hundreds of thousands of his own people?