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Old 02-11-2007, 05:01 PM   #32
Ronald Cherrycoke
Master Locutor
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 153
Originally Posted by tw View Post
Ronald Cherrycoke promotes another George Jr lie. Obviously he has no idea about Muslim Brotherhood. If a president tells him Al Qaeda is in Iraq, then Ronald says, "Yes sir". Same president could not even name countries on Israel's border. But Ronald trusts this president.

If I want to sell more stones, I call them diamonds. It's called counterfeiting, Ronald. You are suppose to have enough grasp to understand the difference between a tiny Al Qaeda verses an Iraqi insurgency created (and maybe financed) by America. Oh. I forgot. Ronald only repeats what his idol tells him to. That Iraq insurgency has always been Al Qaeda out to kill us in our beds. Al Qaeda is all everywhere threatening to destroy the world. Maybe we should hire the Power Rangers to protect us? Ronald: Power Rangers ... fiction. Get it?

This Al Qaeda you promote only exists where fear promotes the glory and legacy of a mental midget. Those with basic knowledge knew this Al Qaeda you promote never existed except to promote more Orange Alerts. Ronald - you do remember all those terrorist attacks averted by Orange alerts? Oh. That's right. I forgot. This president does not lie.

Read? I only know how to write

Your tag sums up your mental should do more reading...if you can!
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