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Old 02-16-2007, 11:18 AM   #279
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
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Well said Grant. Language is a tool for expressing thoughts, nothing more. If your use of language adequately expresses your thoughts then really, what is the problem? We all have an innate understanding of grammar, it's hardwired into our brains.....trouble is the hardwired grammar doesn't always correspond to accepted grammatical rules and norms. Does that mean that the hardwired (original) grammar is wrong?

Picking holes in people's of use language is, in my opinion, unkind. Unless of course it is one's job, or responsibility so to do. It is also, again in my opinion, unwise. Doing so opens one up to have one's own use of language scrutinised and critiqued. Very few people are flaw free in this regard. This is partly because most people have been subjected to dialect in their upbringing, which brings with it certain 'irregularities' and also because 'correct' grammar is to a large extent an artificially imposed set of rules. In addition most languages have evolved from several origins and therefore contain different and sometimes contradictory grammatical and lexical rules. This is why in pretty much every language, there are common mistakes made by children as they learn to speak: their innate, inbuilt grammar does not correspond to the 'correct' grammar which they are learning to use.
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