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Old 02-17-2007, 11:10 AM   #43
The future is unwritten
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 71,105
Here, in this presidency, there is an unwillingness to be truthful, both contextually and in terms of basic facts that ought to be of great concern to people of all ideologies. ...
I think they've pulled this off by polarizing the country, this red/blue crap. It's still us against them, but now instead of us(people) vs them(politicians), it's the people vs the other people while the politicians escape clean. What they've done is divide and conquer.

People have gotten so vain, so self centered, they would let politicians destroy the country rather than admit voting for them was a mistake. So polarized, they feel if the guy they voted for is criticized, it reflects on them. NO IT DOESN'T.
I voted for both Nixon and Bush, the first time they ran. It's not my fault they turned around and fucked me....fucked US. You don't know what they will do... no matter what the Crystal ball says. You listen to the promises and make a choice but it's a crap shoot.

The best we can do is, if they fuck up, get on them about it, don't make excuses for them. Voting for them doesn't make it your fault, but defending and making excuses for bad behavior sure does.

The press is our watch dog, are they bias? They are people, they have opinions that creep into their writing but they are still competing to get the most facts. So if you read for comprehension, look for verifiable facts, be skeptical of speculation and for Gods sake don't wholesale dismiss them as being "the liberal press", you may not find the truth, but you're sure to discover some lies. Sure, it takes some effort on your part.... the truth isn't coming on a silver platter.

Left wing, right wing, conservative, liberal, democrat, republican... bullshit..... names that bring pigeon holes to mind. But everybody's parameters, for each pigeon hole are different, so if you and I talk about a liberal, we aren't talking about exactly the same thing. Wouldn't it be better to drop the labels and discuss the person or problem at hand, so we'd know where everyone stands?

People that say, my politician's end justifies the means, or the goal is worth the collateral damage, so don't question what they're doing, are at best stupid, if not unindicted co-conspirators.
And the defense, well the other guy would have been worse? Put down the tarot cards and step away. One - thats bullshit speculation. Two - that has nothing to do with the current problem, just a lame ass diversion.
No politician is going to please everybody, but don't make excuses for bad behavior. We should question everything the politicians do.... everything.

It's not about you, it always has been and always will be, about US. That's my
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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