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Old 02-22-2007, 03:55 AM   #283
Urbane Guerrilla
Person who doesn't update the user title
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Originally Posted by monster View Post
. . . Or maybe the Lieutentant Hauk "bad comedy" bad?

Please be more specific.
  1. Are the two bads the same type of bad?
  2. Which type(s) of bad?
  3. Which is which?
  4. Do you use solecism to mean grammatical mistake or a breach of good manners?
  5. If you mean mistake, do you mean that I made a mistake in deliberately ignoring grammatical correctness or do you mean that my incorrectness was not deliberate? Or do you believe that intent does not make a mistake and a deliberate act mutually exclusive?
  6. If you meant a breach of good manners, do you not believe that the same etiquette you perceive me to have transgressed would demand that you not draw attention to my embarrassment?
  7. Is your repetition of the word bad, bad?
  8. Is my repetition of the word bad, bad?
  9. Will I be going to Hell for my badness?
  10. Can I choose somewhere further away? Hell is frozen over right now.

In my opinion, inability to express oneself clearly is bad. But I am able to appreciate that not everyone shares my opinion. And that deliberate badness can be a good thing

/Can we take the discussion about my starting sentences with conjunctions as read?
//grant said it
Hokay, I'm a good sport, and besides this is fun. Rather than bust the quote up into micro-blocks, let's keep it all in one big indigestible lump like unto an underdone suet pudding, nyah.

1. No.
2. I don't care which.
3. Ditto, I think.
4. Neither, but instead the dictionary or philosophical definition: that it's an error you ought to know better than to make. Look into the history of the Greek city of Solis, whose inhabitants' mushmouthed diction and abundant grammatical error the Athenians had some things to say about. Fortunately, ending a sentence a preposition with is possible in English. So are inverted constructions. Logging much training time with Master Yoda we have been.
5. Were you listening to yourself asking such a question? Your Honor, I move the fifth question be taken out and shot. Or shot at.
6. I didn't, so the rest is moot. So I suppose you can rest easy.
7. No.
8. No, but enough of it begins to sound like the opening bars of Surfin' Bird. Oo Mow Mow Ba Ba Ba Oo Mow Mow... 'Cos ev'rybody knows that the Bird is the word...
9. What, to get away from me?
10. I suppose the Yukon and Northwest Territory are even more so.
And your last: Doubt it, as about the only way for a conjunctional usage to be correct in that circumstance would be as an elliptical construction, leaving off the entire sentence, clause, or word that was to be conjoined by the conjunction to the expressed, explicit sentence. That seems to me working implication until it collapses in the traces.

As a general thing, it is better to be able to pronounce "inarticulate" than to have it said of you that you couldn't.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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