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Old 05-28-2007, 10:23 PM   #146
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
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Originally Posted by SundaeGirl
And finally - a friend of mine with a 1 year old daughter is looking at going back to work. The first interview she went to, approx 75% of the interview revolved around her status as a mother and the childcare arrangements she had made/ was intending to make.
But what kind of maternity leave are employers in the UK expected to pay? I know in some places in Europe it's as much as three years! IMHO, they have a legitimate right to try and balance the likelihood of her having more children. If women in any given country fight to legislate more than 2-3 months of paid maternity leave (which husbands cannot receive in their place,) they have to realistically expect that this will influence their ability to be hired.
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