Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
That said, in practice it's not so easy. Equal pay, equal opportunity, equal consideration are pretty straight forward. But, I keep running into women that have a different take on the details. Some want equal treatment but want to keep certain privileges, whereas some will punch you for attempting to open a door for them.
If a woman says she is in favor of X and I say I disagree, I favor Y. Then she says why is it you men never understand, never get it? Well, wtf. Why did I bother considering X? Why am I genetically defective because I don't agree?
You see, I'm having trouble determining where feminism draws the line on what the constitutes the difference between opinion and sexist opinion.
If I don't say I disagree because your a woman, why should you make that assumption?
I agree the lines are blurred and everything is taken personally now days. I still think there is work to be done on salary parity. Other than that I stopped holding the door for any woman other than my wife, elderly people, or people who looked like they needed help. You want things to be equal, let them be equal, both ways. I have never had a woman hold a door for me other than my mother when I was like 6 years old. No special treatment for people because they are female, minority, gay, or any other reason.