Originally Posted by Cloud
"The Cellar is like an electronic tavern. Behave as you might at a real-life tavern. Don't barge in and interrupt every table in the place. Walk in and sit down, wait for something you know about and politely put in your two cents.
Whether you care to stick around will probably depend on whether you're taken seriously. Your reputation here is not made by whether you're "in the clique" or how cool you are or etc. It's only based on how you behave and what you contribute. Be a thoughtful version of yourself. Make an effort to leave it a better place than when you arrived and we all win."
This is a very informative and well-thought out policy, one which I took careful note of before joining.
I only wish it were true . . .
I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.