oh wait....don't praise me in this thread....you'll just be proving jiz-a-doobah's (parodies of peoples username is ALWAYS funny) point.
The reason that i can fuck with people and not get bashed, doozie jewbah, is that i know them. I know how to mess with them without really hurting them or costing them face. I would never attack someone for something that I knew was a real vulnerability. I come off as a blow hard, but it takes a certain amount of sensitivity to pull that off without getting ostracized by a group. Most people, by the same token are sensitive enough to get it when i'm sending them a message.
That's how we get along. Look at join dates of the active folks here. More have joined after I have than before. I get along fine with 95% of them. probably 65% of them like me, too.
This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality
Embrace this moment, remember
We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion ~MJKeenan