Thread: treehouse club
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Old 06-11-2007, 07:19 PM   #42
Franklin Pierce
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 3,695
Jeb and Fresh, I think both of you have a big misperception about people that are 20 or 30 years older than you. Adults usually act in the same way as most college kids do but just have better restraints and taste due to experience. Where I work, the youngest person I work with is twice my age so I have interacted with older adults consistantly for a month or so and this has really changed my view on that.

Another reason you two may feel picked on is because this board does have a tendency to discriminate on age a lot. Sometimes this is founded sometimes it can go overboard. The whining, yes you guys are whining, and talking like life is so unfair will not help your case.

Basically just ignore or accept him and don't take his jokes seriously or you will only get even more frustrated. Yes, LJ is an asshole but that is what makes him funny (if you consider him funny), its his style.
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