Originally Posted by lumberjim
oh wait....don't praise me in this thread....you'll just be proving jiz-a-doobah's (parodies of peoples username is ALWAYS funny) point.
The reason that i can fuck with people and not get bashed, doozie jewbah, is that i know them. I know how to mess with them without really hurting them or costing them face. I would never attack someone for something that I knew was a real vulnerability. I come off as a blow hard, but it takes a certain amount of sensitivity to pull that off without getting ostracized by a group. Most people, by the same token are sensitive enough to get it when i'm sending them a message.
That's how we get along. Look at join dates of the active folks here. More have joined after I have than before. I get along fine with 95% of them. probably 65% of them like me, too.
Originally Posted by freshnesschronic
Hmmm. Thanks Sundae Girl.
But as much as everyone gets along with LJ I doubt I will ever like him.
He says he wouldn't attack someone's vulnerability but he definitely repeatedly knocked me up and down about my girlfriend issues, which is the initial reason I joined this place. I found that to be the sole reason why I dislike him immensely. Then he apologizes for antagonizing me, then he keeps antagonizing me. Joke or not, his personality is something that I might never warm up to. All in all, he's a big dick, to me, personally. That's my 2 cents.
Cloud is right. This is a hard crowd and all of us "fucking newbies" as jinx called us in the NSFW dwellar thread are still having trouble transitioning to the well established.
Originally Posted by freshnesschronic
Sure. Skirt my post on how I just proved the hypocrisy of your last post about you being a nice dude.
i didn't say i was nice. i certainly never said that i never poked fun at you. i do say that i've limited my comments to the things you've said and the way you've acted. I wouldn't judge you based on any thing other than....
....oh wow......i gotta go!
This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality
Embrace this moment, remember
We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion ~MJKeenan