Thread: Tulsarama
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Old 06-12-2007, 09:25 PM   #1
The future is unwritten
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On June 15, 1957, a new gold and white 1957 Plymouth Belvedere Sport Coupe was buried in a time capsule in downtown Tulsa, OK. The time capsule was part of Golden Jubilee Week: Tulsa's celebration of Oklahoma's semi-centennial. The car is buried under the sidewalk in front of the Tulsa County Courthouse, approximately 100 feet north of the intersection of Sixth Street and Denver Avenue.
The contents of a women's purse, including bobby pins, a bottle of tranquilizers, cigarettes and an unpaid parking ticket, were added to the glove compartment of the car shortly before burial.

Other items included in the time capsule were:
-10 gallons of gasoline and 5 quarts of oil
-A Douglas Aircraft Co. aerial map of airport facilities and legend
-Statement from Tulsa council of Churches and Prayer for Greatest Good, Next 50 Years, a recently completed history of churches in Tulsa and a directory of the present churches
-Statement from board of education - historical data related to 50 years of education in Tulsa and copies of "School Life" all-high school publication issued by Tulsa high schools each month
-Statements from Mayor and Chamber of Commerce officials
-Flags which have been flown over the national capitol, state capitol and in the county and city
-Other aerial photos of the area
-Statement from Tulsa Trades and Labor Council
-Statements from all former mayors of the city - their record of service and civic accomplishments in the city, state and nationally.
This Friday, June 15th, 2007, they're going to open this "Time Capsule" with all the pomp and circumstance they can muster, in a 3 day festival.
They didn't want to repeat the "Opening of Al Capone's Safe", however, so they cheated...
On April 14th – a cold and damp morning – several members of the Tulsarama Committee met to check out the condition of the vault. The following photographs show you what we found when we exposed about a third of the lid. We are happy to report the vault was in great shape! The soil and the sod were then replaced to await the June 15th – the day the Belvedere rises from her sleep!
Oh, and the Tulsa Circle cinema will be playing the same movie, "Boy On A Dolphin", that was playing then. I wonder if they'll charge the same?
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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