Yeah, it's sad, but who knows, maybe it will happen. Stranger things have happened. Like the dream I had last night.
I seemed to be working in what was supposed to be a pharmacy but looked nothing like one. It was me and two women I don't know. For whatever reason, we were supposed to do a taste test or something for the various drugs. I had tried this one that seemed to have small red dots on it and it tasted good or something. I look at the bottle and the name concerned me as it ended in "cillin" (the whole name was there but I can't remember it). I asked one of the women if this thing was some form of penicillin and they said that it was. Not a good thing for me as I am allergic to penicillin. So eventually I start getting bumps all over my body and I was basically told not to worry since I had such a small amount, that it would pass. Eventually it did start dying down then I woke up.
These dreams are just getting stranger and stranger.