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Old 07-18-2007, 07:43 AM   #28
Franklin Pierce
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 3,695
I agree walking away would be devastating and I really do help things go for the best for the Iraqis and everyone else in Middle East and the world but the question is practicality. We have just found out that we do not have unlimited power and can not do everything we want the hard way so we can not ask what should we do but what can we do.

As long as the Iraqi nationalists are on our side (other groups are waiting the results of 1920) we should stay but if things do go wrong, which is a good chance since there are many tensions between them and the Iraqi police, we need to ask what is practical.

If 1920 does fail, I am not totally convinced that by us staying there will solve anything, but just prolong the inevitable.
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