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Old 08-05-2007, 11:04 PM   #3
Bitchy Little Brat
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Queensland, Australia
Posts: 5,067

schnickschnack, is a retort used to demonstrate the fact that you think someone is over stating something and should get the fuck over themselves.

...."wow, thats big!"......"pfff, schnickschack, its just average".

From my limited German, this is the gist I get....

There are so many sad and pointless websites.

Here is only one example: http: // and only so few non professional sites which have a purpose and also fulfil this (purpose).
Here is one example: http: //, nevertheless, now I have found a site for which there is a reason. And it fulfils its selfput purpose.

In unequalled elegance, as I find, without schnickschnack.

Here persuade yourselves: http: //

Yes, now I believe again in the Internet!!
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