Seeing pictures of kids on the buses reminds of this weekend. SonofV and his cousin-in-crime wanted to go to the local skate park. I said yes, and since they had their own way there this time, that was the last I heard of it. They were going to call me when they were done for a ride home (approx 1.5 miles). While they were there, I thought, hmm, this would be a good time to go get some candid shots of the two of them. There are plenteous pictures of the both of them, but not so many truly candid ones where they're oblivious to the camera. Plus, I would have the chance at action shots, having fun shots, no parents shots. A real photo-op for a camera-happy parent.
Then I stopped cold.
I imagined what I would look like trying to get "candid" shots of little boys. The words "Bad Idea" rang loudly in my head. The more inconspicuous I tried to be the creepier I would look. I don't have some honkin football sideline gazillion millimeter zoom lens, just a point and shoot.
I could have just brazened it out, stood right at the bowl's edge and snapped away, and that would have been a different kind of embarrassing, mostly for my kid. But the hope for a truly candid shot was pretty much out.
When I see these pictures of kids loading onto the bus, I **know** they were taken by proud parents. But just as I don't know all the parents standing around also taking pictures, they don't all know me. And that worries some people. I have actually been shooed away from taking pictures of my kid on the playground. What a world.
Be Just and Fear Not.