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Old 10-14-2007, 07:09 PM   #8
trying hard to be a better person
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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I'm with sycamore on this one. There are too many variables if you let someone donate sperm or you have a one night stand. What if you see that guy you had a one night stand with a few months after you fall preggers and he wants to know who the father is? Do you lie and tell him it wasn't him? It's just really risky, aside from the fact that maybe the unknowing 'sperm donor' might really want to have a child.

I had a friend who deliberately got preggers to a guy she'd been seeing for only a month or so. She told him it was an accident. Now the father has nothing to do with the child and she's a single mother. Also, she and I are no longer friends because she didn't like it when I told her what I thought about the situation (after she asked me what I thought).
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