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Old 10-15-2007, 12:47 PM   #14
Looking forward to open mic night.
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: New Mexico
Posts: 5,148
I must be more of a bimbo than you Clod, because I've said it before and I'll say it again...There is nothing I like better than a strong, authentic sounding male-vocalist, with dirty guitar. Strum, distort, tap, slide, whatever you want.....I prefer musicians that don't sound too manufactured, contrived to be just like x band or songwriter, and can appreciate the small imperfections as much as I can. Then again I like most music to be very "raw". I like cohesive, tight, music.....but there's nothing wrong with a little dirty guitar.

On that note, I will also take this opportunity to say:

Thurston (Sonic Youth)....I love you. Oh and my husband knows. So it's ok to call. He'll understand. We can still be friends.

Show me a sane man, and I will cure him for you.- Carl Jung
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