While I agree with most of the people on here (it could be chancy, and there are a lot of risks involved with it), it's no different than having your FIRST child. What if your husband eventually turns into a sleaze ball? What if the child comes out retarded? What if you get a divorce and a custody battle ensues? What if the child turns into a shithead... or worse, a republican?
There are always so many reasons NOT to do something, the important thing is to make sure the benefit outweighs them. If your friend really does want a third child (workload and all), then get it the smart way, from a trusted friend. At least with a friend you know in advance the personality. There's no other way to get that assurance (even if there are horror stories about the guy changing his mind).
One other thing, why do so many seem to equate more children with someone who doesn't know what they're doing? NoBoxes and UG both imply (unless I misunderstand) that more children instantly means a less responsible parent. Just a curiosity (maybe it stems from the idea of 'welfare queens' that Reagan so lovingly stirred up)
P.S. I'd like to point out (as some already have) that you don't have to have sex with someone to get knocked up. Little plastic jars do just fine. Failing that, there's always ramicans from TGIFriday's.
Hoocha, hoocha, hoocha... lobster.