Originally Posted by SteveDallas
So did SJP ever get naked on Sex & the City? Or even pop her top? I remember reading an article ages ago saying she wouldn't do it, so the burden was on the other three women. (Fortunately they had Kim Cattrall.. after seeing some of her other work, it's surprising she made it through Star Trek VI with her Starfleet uniform on.)
No, but the sorta "aww-shucks" hot one that was with the fat Baldwin brother for awhile did once. That was worth half a chub.
As for the unsexiest woman title, I think this is a case of Maxim pointing out which women are the unsexiest out of the group of celebrities who are still qualified as sexy for one reason or another. I mean it has to be, because as far as I know, Janet Reno, Rosie O, and the island nation of Haiti are all still in existance.