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Old 11-12-2007, 07:40 AM   #48
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Sunday morning in Baghdad

Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2007 10:59:27
Subject: Sunday morning in Baghdad

It has been a bit drawn out here the last 3 days. Have not had any
mortar or rocket attack into the IZ but there still is a lot of
operations going on outside the wire into the "red zone" which is
causing a lot of helo operations at night which means about 3-4 hours of sleep each night. The hooch has really been rocking each night, (all of the helo's flying over at tree top level going out bound), you have to get rest when you can living in a war zone! Some day I will get home, crawl into my own bed, under my nice sheets, go to sleep for 10-12 hours with no body armor or helmet next to me and NOT having to worry about rockets, mortar or helo's. Sleep till I can sleep not more and than get up and start the day, at what ever time that is!
Today I had to go to a engineering meeting, I am now on the Iraqi
Railroad Reconstruction Project!, I got up, put on my 50 pounds of body armor and helmet walked outside and it was about 90-95 and it felt alright. Walked/hiked a mile or 2 to the meeting, meet up with the Group Captain from the Australian Air Force who requested that I be a "vital" member of the group.
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