On the Beat in Baghdad 4 Sep 2007
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 11:29:06 +0400
Subject: Back in the War...got to keep running...duck and cover
Well it was good to hear from you, sounds like you are
wrapping up the summer and catch up on your rest. If you got time go ahead and get some "sleep time" for me. It is still hot as usually here in Baghdad, but have not had a sand storm in a couple of days so that is good. Last night I got off work @ 9:30 pm and was heading back to the hooch to relax and get some rest, as I walking/hiking back all of a sudden... Whisssh.. POW! Two of those Chinese 122 mm rockets, ( the bigens!) came in towards the IZ here and landed right outside the wall..I was out in the open so I ran off to the nearest "Duck and Cover Bunker" and jumped in. They were a bit to closes for me. I walk by the walls back to the hooch at night. Now do you lookout for Chinese rockets when you take your beach walks at night?
I stood/squatted in the bunker for about 30 minutes till the "all clear"
was sounded then I headed out again. It was like being in a little over
for the bunkers absorb the heat all day and then give it off at night.
There is no air flow in these bunkers so you sweat a lot and just got to wait till it is all clear and than go on with what you are doing. I got
back to the hooch and my hooch mate was sitting down in a chair
drinking a nice really cold Coke. " Hey Mate did you miss the
fireworks?" "The Laundry hooch was pretty much open so I went off to load the washing machine up with my uniforms, got to take advantage of the time" as he said to me. Well at least he did not drink the last cold bottle of water so that was OK!
You got to remember this is Iraqi "It's all good"
Take care,
"On the Beat in Baghdad"