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Old 11-12-2007, 08:13 AM   #52
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On the road again in Iraq

Sun, 11 Nov 2007 12:19 pm
Subject: Another busy day in Iraq...heading South

Well I was out all day yesterday and headed down south to Dhi-Qar to run a forum with the GOI, (Government of Iraq) and the Province of Dhi-Qar, (Southern Iraq) We had a lot of VIP's Amb Crocker from the US and the Amb's from Italy, Australia and Japan so security was unreal and of course we all got drawn into it. They had a bunch of kids waiting for the Vice President of Iraq and the Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq, they sang songs and handed out flowers, there was
also a marching band. It was quite a show. We arrived on time but the Iraqi showed 1½ hrs late for their own meeting. A couple of pictures for you to look at. It was a long day! Hope you enjoyed your trip to Italy. Now if you come here to Iraq and get on one of those flights that I do with the Italian Ambassador, will that count as time on a Italian vacation? I know it is just not the same climbing into a helo with @ 60 pounds of armor and "stuff" to be packed in and of course you have to deal with sand that come from the rotor wash. Well this is Iraq "It is all good".

"On the road again in Iraq"
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