Sent: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 5:20 am
Subject: Creative Rail Road work here in Iraq
We had people out flying the rails on the IRR, (Iraqi Railroad) and it
looks like we came across some creative Iraqi workers. It seems some
locals decided to dig a canal of their own so that they can get water
from one side of the track to the other. Now of course they do not have
permission, but that should not be a surprise, nor stop anyone, for this
is Iraq! Well as you look at the pipelines that run parallel to the
tracks they carry oil to and from Northern Iraq.
If you look down into the trench/canal it looks like they are dragging a
pipeline along inside the trench. I believe that they are getting ready
to tap into the oil pipeline and than bury their line into the
trench/canal. Now you got to give some credit to them for these people
are willing to go out in the middle of the desert and "tap in".
"International Railroad Consultant"