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Old 11-18-2007, 10:25 PM   #183
Urbane Guerrilla
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Southern California
Posts: 6,674
So two cheers for me. I doff my Gee Bee ball cap in acknowledgement.

Aliantha, you're indisputably a human being -- the state of the art in Turing machines hasn't gotten that good. I speak for you, whether you care for all that I say (which would after all be surprising, for after all we don't know each other that kind of well), and regardless of whether I'm self-appointed -- taking the initiative to do it, that is -- or other-anointed. Same goes for Queequegger, really. It is simply what I do when I'm trying to be philosophical.

Humanity is better when it prospers. Less-than-democracy is invariably associated with less than prosperity. Any in doubt could look it up. Respect free expression and property rights. Stay armed enough to make genocide impracticable and you additionally benefit from making crime impracticable too. That government that governs least, or least needs to govern, is that government that governs best.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.

Last edited by Urbane Guerrilla; 11-18-2007 at 10:36 PM.
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