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Old 04-24-2003, 09:13 AM   #18
Look who thinks he's clever Dan.
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Washington DC Metro Area. Fairfax city
Posts: 226
Where does the 62.5 mile high trajectory figure come from.(?)
62.5 miles is 100 Kilometers and is also the Height that Alan Shepard reached back in 1961.
The $10 mill is the X Prize wich will be awarded to the first privately funded team to reach that height. and They have to do it twice so making it reuseable would be key. " The X Prize backers are gambling that their $10million carrot will inspire free-thinking, fast-moving, risk-taking entreprenures to creat a shuttle equivalent for the masses."(Popsci) The award was announced in 1996 and runs out in 2004.

No i'm not that smart i just read alot, specificaly <a href=",12543,444888,00.html">Popular Science</a>.</i>
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