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Old 11-29-2007, 01:09 PM   #5
still eats dirt
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Originally Posted by regular.joe View Post
I hope that you are not saying that we don't have any home grown terrorists.
We didn't call them terrorists in the past, but violent extremist groups currently exist without the United States, have existed here, and will continue to into the future. That's nothing surprising.

Originally Posted by regular.joe View Post
I hope you are not saying it's only fear working here.
Bringing back McCarthy-like witch hunts isn't just fear, its an irrational and dangerous fear. Where the term "communist" was once extended to a blanket, the term "terrorist" would, through this bill, be conveniently expanded to apply to a large number of groups and people that the government wants to investigate and jail without the need to obtain proper court orders or follow constitutional law. The moment you're labeled a terrorist, you're suddenly stripped of many important rights and are subject to indefinite imprisonment, denied access to a lawyer, fair trial, etc. This bill, coupled with the PATRIOT act, would open the doors for a politically-driven witch hunt based on loose/undefined terminology. Would you feel comfortable with a panel that could single you out and put you on a list that basically enables the government to bypass due process and do pretty much whatever they want to you without you having any recourse?

Originally Posted by regular.joe View Post
I hope you're not saying that nothing should be done.
I hope you're done putting words in my mouth.
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