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Old 01-10-2008, 11:49 AM   #72
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Jan 2, 2008 2:23 AM
Stuck in Baghdad...start of a new year!

New Years was pretty quite. I spent about 45 minutes, on New Years Eve, standing/squatting in a bunker for the Iraqis were all out shooting weapons for thirty minutes. I could see a lot of tracer rounds going right over my bunker and hearing a lot of heavy machine gun firing in and outside the compound. A car bomb went off also, but no reports of anybody getting killed. I hope all was nice and quite at your house for New Years Eve!

Well we had to move some people around here in Baghdad on 1 Jan 2008, got off to a slow start. One of the convoy drivers drove off the road in the stagging area and got stuck. Well at least he did not have to shovel himself out of snow.

Sat, 5 Jan 2008 3:30 am
Subject: Watch out for women in Iraq!

More and more of these suicide bombers are coming out here in Iraq.
Women are very very active in this type of work. I wonder if you think about that when you are in the grocery store? Now this could be a whole new level of stress for me when I go out to get food to stock my refrigerator when I come home for leave in the next week or so. "Grocery Store Stress!"

CDR "Midnight Grocery Shopper!" USN
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