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Old 03-26-2008, 10:45 AM   #30
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Nah, ronaldo may be a diving pretty boy but at least he makes it look good.

You realize that Drogba is just trying to up his value so he can go to italy or spain in the summer right? I think Italy has to be the better place for him, it is the only place he can get away with looking like he's been shot whenever someone breathes on him.

We'll see what happens at Chelski next year. Lampard in Spain, Drogba in Italy, Shevcenko back in Milan, Ballack and Makalele on their last legs, and just wait for Anelka to decide he isn't being respected enough. Whew boy...

Of course, Arsenal will bring in another 16 year old from Africa with a name we can't pronounce and an early 20's firecracker from eastern Europe that noone else wanted.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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