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Old 04-23-2008, 12:53 PM   #21
lobber of scimitars
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Originally Posted by Brianna View Post
It is a powerful movie; I felt the Ricci character egged Aileen on, definitely. Anyone else who saw the movie feel that way?
I thought that the relationship between the two typified what you get when you put two dysfunctional, needy bitches in the same room.

I do not like borderlines*.

I don't.

but you know that.

* There are a few exceptions to this rule. There are a couple borderlines that I deal with on an unfortunately regular basis for whom I have managed find some endearing quality about. If I don't do this, I'd probably kill them outright where they stand, or smother them with a pillow while they sleep in my lobby, but since they put in the new cameras, there aren't any clear zones, so I guess I'm stuck with them until they do themselves in.
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