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Old 04-23-2008, 11:36 PM   #23
Looking forward to open mic night.
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Originally Posted by wolf View Post
I thought that the relationship between the two typified what you get when you put two dysfunctional, needy bitches in the same room.

I do not like borderlines*.

I don't.

but you know that.

* There are a few exceptions to this rule. There are a couple borderlines that I deal with on an unfortunately regular basis for whom I have managed find some endearing quality about. If I don't do this, I'd probably kill them outright where they stand, or smother them with a pillow while they sleep in my lobby, but since they put in the new cameras, there aren't any clear zones, so I guess I'm stuck with them until they do themselves in.
I like you. I have not figured out thus far what you like in the female, at all, thus far. Care to enlighten?

Nice to see you. Whatever.


So, from what I have seen, you are the most functional woman I have ever met. Fucking guffaw.

Lets go back to the point where you were trying to eat your fucking pizza when people were trying to die, and interrupting you, of course......

Lets go back to your whole remedial thread. Called....Dying:It's not Dominoes Pizza. "I can tell by how you just won't die by the slice."

I feel sorry for those handicapped people you fucked in the nuthouse. I do. Ratchet has nothing on you. At least she had some character. You are the Sociopath. Get it?
Show me a sane man, and I will cure him for you.- Carl Jung
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