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Old 07-06-2008, 11:16 AM   #536
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by footfootfoot View Post
Is that like "Bringing coals to Newcastle?" If it is, I love it and want to know what it means. That will be my new tagline. Totally.

"That asshole keeps that shit up and I'll be taking his ice to Glastonbury."
I wish it were a quaint turn of phrase.
Sadly it means that the artists who were going on a jolly to a big music festival decided to strip the kitchen of whatever they fancied, whether it was bought on the company budget (which I think is cheeky enough given the fact they had a £300 float!) or whether it looked like a personal item.

The fact that no-one ever stored bags of ice in the freezer until I arrived should perhaps have been a clue? I like my cold drinks COLD. That's my bag you could say. And it was my bleeding bag.

Still not quite over it as you can tell
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