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Old 07-27-2008, 12:21 PM   #563
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Sorry, I didn't get round to it. And the one on my ankle was SOOOO mutant, you'd have loved it. It was almost spherical - a little cloudy yellow crystal ball...

But it burst while I was minuting the board meeting. I had to keep mopping at it surreptiously with a napkin so it didn't run into my shoes. Now it's an open sore which isn't worth taking pictures of, just like a burst blister.

Luckily I'd already shown it to Deb (chief honcho here) so I can always refer people back to her in future.

I'm faffing about here rather than go home between shifts. I think if I sit down I'll want to blag off the pub and that wouldn't be fair. So I'll stick around here for another 40 mins or so then go home & feed the cats & change the litter tray and go straight to work.

My face is the itchiest right now. Probably because I felt obliged to try & cover it with make-up.
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