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Old 07-27-2008, 05:18 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by Troubleshooter View Post
It's funny, I'm pretty open about being an atheist, even fact to face.

People will ask me (usually rather loudly and shrilly), "Why do you hate God?"

I tell them, "I don't have a problem with God, it's you I don't like."

It's an easy mistake for them to make.

They've so wrapped themselves up in dogma that they forget that faith is an internal revelatory event. Faith isn't up for debate, everything else is though.
I'm not an athiest, but I do completely agree with what you've said here.
I have a much different viewpoint than many of my Christian peers, which has lead on multiple occasions to them trying to swing up a faith based argument that I refuse to take part in. All I say is look at history and you will see that us folks here on earth don't have it all together by any stretch of the imagination. So for you to come and say that my faith is wrong, and you know the one true way is being ignorant of all those before you who had the same thought pattern and ended up trying to extinguish other faiths by a variety of different means.
So even though I have my Christian based faith, I feel closer and much more sympathetic to athiests than my "fellow" Christians.
Kiss my white Irish ass.
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