Can't find my damned camera.
I haven't lost it (that would be major upset). I must have brought it home in order to take the battery out - said battery in charger, quite happily charged up.
But where is the camera?
Not anywhere obvious, that's for sure.
I want to show you my amazing technicolor gradiated peacock hair.
Which is slightly irritating of itself, as I would swear up and down that I managed even coverage. But it ranges from bright sea blue-green to navy. Currently too tired to find that much more than interesting and anyway I can have another stab at it tomorrow night.
But what is life without documentation?!
I have never had hair like this before - I want it on record damnit!
Bloody hiding things. Hiding round the house. I'll wallop them when I find them I will. Teach them a lesson for hiding. Stomp, stomp, stomp. Come out and take your medicine!