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Old 08-13-2008, 05:42 PM   #1943
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
It's Burn Update Time! Yay!

I'm only posting this because I've had funny looks before about my insistence on the right plaster for the right job. Including this time. I have my own burn plasters at home (and steri strips, graze plasters, blister plasters) but I knew they would be too small, and I claimed the larger one back on expenses as it was a work injury.

Suffice to say I still couldn't get one the right shape and I couldn't be bothered to put a pad on and tape it up.

So here is the result. Can you guess which end was poking out from underneath the plaster? The part of the burn closest to my hand is dry and does not hurt to run my finger across. The part which looks open has actually sealed over, but it's nasty to the touch and looks far more likely to reopen

Buy burn plasters, people, they work!
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