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Old 08-13-2008, 06:45 PM   #1985
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 25,964
For the first time he picked out a book with exactly zero pictures in it.
Aww bless that's a lovely milestone.

What's making me happy today is:

- the bank wrote to me and offered to extend my overdraft facility. Yey. This means I have been a good girl for a year and not played silly buggers with my bank account. I persuaded them to apply it to my account this week instead of next week as per the letter. This means the direct debit which was due to bounce hideously this morning instead had a soft landing:P

- I woke up this morning (admittedly rather later than planned) feeling competant and motivated. Yey. Got loads done. I've really been unconscionably lazy recently and have let my case work build up. So, today I got through a bunch of it and made calls I'd been putting off, and chased up stuff that I had been avoiding chasing. Had a really positive visit to a constituent, and was even able to deliver some good news to a group of residents.

- to reward myself for being a grown-up today, I treated myself to two Big Finish audio plays, at a cost of £7.99 each and have them downloaded onto my laptop ready to take upstairs and listen in bed. Cup of tea, slice of cheesecake and a Doctor Who audio play. Nice.
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