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Old 09-05-2008, 11:17 AM   #2092
Your Bartender
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Philly Burbs, PA
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Originally Posted by Elspode View Post
Steve, why does it look like you are trapped in the laundry room? And what is that sort of electronic-looking thing dangling over your left shoulder?
It's in the kitchen. The doors go to the dining room. BigV nailed the assembly over my left shoulder. (Bottom line: jack wasn't working, needed a new one, couldn't find one that would fit in the same space, new it would end up looking worse if I started dirlling new holes.) Over right shoulder is the edge of the kitchen counter, with some fruit snacks and other crap, plus a couple on-sale cases of water bottle stacked on the floor.

Originally Posted by LabRat View Post
Now, maybe a small smile?
Ouch, dammit... I think I sprained my face muscles.

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