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Old 09-18-2008, 03:59 PM   #2235
Stretching the Veil
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Posts: 154
What's making me happy? I'm happy SG got digs now and things somewhat figured out. And she's happy. Which in turn makes me happy.

I'm also happy because I got out of working at 84, fiddled about with an under-the-table bullshit detailing job (that's a whole other story...perhaps drunken chat)...........and I finally got a 'real' job.

Training starts on Monday morning to be a sub-contractor for Comcast. Installing High-speed Internet and High-Def Cable & DVRs. My old job at 84 would pay $1200 a month. Now I'll be doing that in a week.

And while I'm at it, M.I.A's "Paper Planes" is the most ridiculous song ever.
Not really about anything else but shooting people, taking money, weed, and UPS trucks. But good lord is it infectious. I love it. What a beat. This is the kind of 'guilty pleasure' song that you only rock out to alone, and it sticks in your head for hours and hours.

But yeah. Comcast job. They're giving me an 08' Silverado, Nextel phone, tools, and gas card. Drive it home.
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