It's a good thing I didn't have Internet service for the past few days or y'all would "hear" me bitching mightily about having no friggin' electric either.
But we're back online, in every sense. I do however want to complain about school. The kids' school was closed till today. MY school was not. Well, Brianna's and mine.

That royally sucked. Especially when teachers still expected papers typed and not handwritten, and online assignments done...blargh.
I actually typed a two-page paper on a MANUAL TYPEWRITER. ugh. There's a reason why the word processor was invented.
Here's another thing to bitch about. I read Beowulf twice, once for a class I took Spring quarter, and now this time. Took a quiz yesterday. I got a whopping 50%. Whoo hoo, there goes my GPA!
I guess the teacher makes up for it by being so damn sexy (sigh) He's this young, tall, rugged-looking Brit with a Scottish accent that comes out when he reads Seamus Heaney's translation, as it should be. Yum.