OK, enough about that. I had a crappy day and I want to vent about it.
First off, I had a history exam. I do not like this history teacher. I had history 102 last year - the medieval era - and that prof was wonderful, even though his wife died right in the middle of the quarter he kept truckin' on, what a professional. This guy is a cranky old bat. This is 103, covering the late 1700's to the present. I like history, but this guy makes it terribly unlikeable. It seems to bore HIM. Plus he's a flaming liberal. I hate when professors infuse their own politics into the lectures.
So I had that test, and I didn't really do as well on it as I'd have liked. I was up till about 1 a.m. last night studying, which is early for me, except that I've been chronically sleep deprived for the past four weeks anyway, so it didn't help my mood.
6 a.m., beep beep...time to get kids off to school. (yawn)
All was well till my 3rd class, sociology. I was looking forward to getting my graded paper back, because I worked hard on it and I'm usually pretty good at writing papers. I mean, you know, I am a writer - if I can do anything, I can write. So I go up to retrieve it, and she gives me this funny, sad look and says "if you have any questions, let me know..."
It's a friggin 69!!!!!
With a big purple stamp that says SEE THE WRITING CENTER.
Granted, I usually write copy for businesses and feature articles, which is different from writing academic papers. But all the papers I've written thus far (two quarters' worth) have gotten rave reviews. This was a total SLAP in the face and I was just so unprepared for it that I actually started crying right there in class.
Part of my emotional display was pure fatigue, I know that. (sigh) I grabbed my stuff and left. I sat in the stairwell and cried for a while, then I went home and cried some more. Yeah, I'm kind of emotional. Can't help it.
Finally I decided to just drop the class. I was torn on this. I wanted to stay in the class and re-submit the paper (if we get below 70, we're allowed a 2nd chance, which she *hinted* was why she graded it so low, she wanted to give me that chance to get an A... at least I think that's what she said, I was too busy boohooing) just to prove I COULD. But the thing is, I don't need this class. I just took it because 5 classes is the same price as 4, and I thought it was going to be interesting. Isn't that stupid? So why kill myself over a class I don't need anyway? It's writing intensive too, so I'd have to write three more of these papers. Screw it, that's a lot of time I could devote to the classes I DO need.
Thanks for letting me vent. I feel better now. Sort of.