My tummy hurts, and I don't know why.
It started yesterday morning. Feels like cramps, high up at the top, not down low where you'd think of female-type cramps. Sort of like labor pains, for those of you who have been through that, but again, higher - and I promise, I'm not preggy.

Pain is bad enough, when it hits, I have to stop what I'm doing and breathe through it.
Yesterday I felt all achy and yucky and slept on and off all day, but I had two exams today so I still had to study a bit. This morning I still felt awful but dragged myself to take those exams.
Tonight I've taken an ibuprofen and feel a little better, but my tummy still hurts - pains hit a little less often, but just as bad. I've made up my mind that I have to get on with my life regardless. I've got a paper due tomorrow, so I'm down in my office finishing it up. (and my printer isn't cooperating...bad ink cartridge...sheesh, can't get a break.)
What the heck? I'm not puking or anything else...just a tummy ache.
Moms aren't allowed to get sick. This bites.