A National ID card will be the proverbial 'straw that breaks the camel's back' concerning our retention of the little freedom we have left. I am not to mistaking Privacy for Freedom; it is just one of the pillars of freedom.
As it is, we're been pretty close (via state's ID) to having a de-facto NID Card for a while. Disparate bits of personal information from government departments (DMV etc) and some private companies that process that information (and own it by that fact) are being concatinated and controlled by entities such as governments and big businesses.
You've all probably witnessed a small part of this by noticing the amount of highly targeted junk phone calls and mail you get. You haven't seen the info that someone else has on you due to credit reports, medical exams, employment drug screenings etc.
Frankly, I'm frightened of this (and too tired to be perfectly coherent... if you haven't already noticed- please forgive me).
Will type later must sleep now.
I could go on but I'm too sleepy to rant.