Classicman is dead on, I think: Busted trunk lid, two busted real quarter panels, both tail lights, bumper and bumper cover, lower trunk and probably the trunk floor. I'm guessing this hits $4500-$4900 total after they get to see inside. There is no way the guy will be able to pay for this or handle it correctly.
It gets kind of strange. He had been texting me and has been calling rather frantically to try to figure out some way to pay out of pocket. This morning the guy emailed me with a trunk lid and bumper he found on eBay for cheap and says he knows "a buddy" that can do the repair work. When I told him the estimate I got, he pleaded with me to get a second one because he was sure there was no way it could possible cost so much. "Don't do anything until you call me. I will find the money, somehow." I feel really awful for the guy and hate to be the one that makes the decision, but there's no way he can make this work. We don't even know the full extent of the damage until they actually start working on the car, and if they discover the gas tank has been knocked off a bracket and dented or that the frame is torqued, we're screwed if he doesn't have the cash. Really, we can't have one of his old high school buddies try to tack on a new bumper he scrounged online and beat on the frame with a claw hammer so that he can not get in trouble with his job.
I guess we have to keep an eye on this headache Choco has developed today as well, which we're fairly certain is just stress related. If not, that's absolutely nothing for an out of pocket expense.
Oh, yeah, we do have rental coverage as well. Adjuster is dropping by to take a look on Monday.