SG and monster (and anyone else), help me out. My 13 year old daughter (very light blonde, naturally) wants to dye a stripe or two of bright red in her hair. I don't have a problem with it, even though "washes out in 10 weeks" is a joke when your hair is that light. It's really more like 10 MONTHS. Trust me on that, we did it with purple a couple years ago.
But dad says NO. Says the old usual stuff, "you're pretty like you are..." and "you're too young."
Hogwash, I say. It's not about being already pretty, it's about doing something interesting. She's too young for kissing and dating, but hair color? One stripe, not her whole head! If that's the craziest thing she does, we're in real good shape.
Got any pithy quotes I can use on him?
(truth be told, we're probably gonna do it anyway.

DD a couple years ago with purple: