Thread: Post Your Pet
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Old 05-06-2009, 05:08 AM   #851
Bitchy Little Brat
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Queensland, Australia
Posts: 5,067
Thats awesome, V. I love Andy! I love the way he does laps.

I babysat my Mum's German Shorthaired Pointer when he was about 18mths old, silly as a wheel he was....he wouldnt jump in the back of a ute/car, no matter what, you would have to pick him up from about 50 metres away and carry him into the car - then he was fine.

I just started making everything he thought was fun about the car, we'd play *chasey* with the other dogs and run and jump into the back of the car, big fussy pats in the back of the car, then finally - TREATS.

Does Andy come in at all? I'd leave the door open at dinner time, put his bowl just inside the door, and walk away.

Daffodil - Esme is beautiful
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