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Old 05-21-2009, 06:16 PM   #128
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Pico and ME View Post
Tiki, I would probably like you in person, you have a lot of interests and seem to be a well-rounded open-minded person. I just havent liked the way you have talked to some people on this forum. It really is troll-like and aggressive. And so I poked you. As others have.
Do you feel my posts in this thread were troll-like and aggressive?

Because I was honestly trying to give the guy my perspective, and how I would have reacted and why, based on what he wrote. It seems to me that there are a few people following me around and jabbing at me off-topic in any thread I post in, to get a rise out of me, and all it does is derail the thread. That, actually, is trolling.
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