Originally Posted by Tiki
Do you feel my posts in this thread were troll-like and aggressive?
Because I was honestly trying to give the guy my perspective, and how I would have reacted and why, based on what he wrote. It seems to me that there are a few people following me around and jabbing at me off-topic in any thread I post in, to get a rise out of me, and all it does is derail the thread. That, actually, is trolling.
I think what you do a lot of is reitterate previous points, but you don't need to. Because it's all there for the long term once you've pressed the send button. Say what you need to, and then let someone else have a go. Just because their perspective is different doesn't necessarily mean they think you're wrong, or that you should think they're looking to argue with you.
With regard to this particular thread and the advice that you've given dis, I'd say you've made your point very clearly. That's all Pico was saying. That we all get where you're coming from.