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Old 05-23-2009, 04:00 AM   #171
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by Shawnee123 View Post
My perspective is usually that of a hard-case, but what do I know?
Unless you have a homeless guy mooching off you
Which proves your point - it's very different when you are the one in the situation. Life is much less logical once emotions are involved.

Dis - let this draw a line under it, okay?
If she does not answer, don't read any more into it. Painful as it is - excrutiatingly, stomach-punchingly, got you sitting all night at the bar painful, I remember - this is still only temporary. Without further input from her it will very gradually hurt less. Which isn't what you want at all, but is the only consolation I can offer.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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